Crimson Creatures
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Drop the Anchor

    The third date of our Fresh Barstool Tour is officially booked. We will be headlining at the Four Horsemen live music pub in Bournemouth on Friday 21st July (doors open 8pm). We’ll be supported by our friends (and Richard’s other band) Lonely Trees. Entry is a very reasonable and excellent value £4.00… Eventbrite ticket link (ticket fee), or pay on the door.

    But, I’m sure you’re dying to know how we got on at our warm-up gig at the Drop the Anchor Brewery anniversary beer festival, aren’t you. Very well. actually. Thanks for asking. We managed to kick some Prog ass, despite the sound system conspiring against everyone that day.

    We performed a 45 minute set of music from our debut EP and album to a small but perfectly-formed and very appreciative audience. Everyone else seemed more interested in the beer or talking to people they hadn’t seen in 12 months, for some bizarre reason.

    Anyway, seeing as we don’t want you to feel left out, here’s a compilation of audience footage, mixed with Matt-Cam™ footage, so you can feel almost like you were there!

    Don’t forget: our first gig proper is at Chaplin’s (Boscombe) on Thursday 15th June. Be there or be square, man!

  • Fresh Barstool Tour 2023

    OK, it’s a bit of a band in-joke, but there it is. We are officially booked to play two gigs, with a third to be confirmed soon. So, it’s almost a tour of East Dorset, and this was the daft name Richard came up with, so blame him.

    Our debut was always going to be in Boscombe, but, all of a sudden, we got the opportunity to play at a beer festival at Drop the Anchor Brewery in Hinton, near Christchurch, on the edge of the New Forest. We’re calling it a warm-up gig.

    It’s on Saturday 6th May, which is Coronation Day. There’s entertainment planned all day, and we are the 2nd of three bands in the afternoon from 3pm. We are on at 4pm.


    We will be headlining in Chaplin’s Cellar Bar, Boscombe, on Thursday 15th. Come see us in action. We will be supported by our very own Matthew Cornes, who will warm us all up with a solo set. Then the rest of us will hit the stage with a Progtastic set of our very own music. Lucky you! Doors 9pm (free entry).

    Hopefully, we’ll soon be able to tell you about a third gig, in Bournemouth in July. We don’t want to give anything away, it may signal the apocalypse.

Songs © & ℗ 2022–2025 Crimson Creatures, all rights reserved.