…and then there were four…

In the Green Wood

Finding a great drummer is harder than it looks. Maybe if Crimson Creatures was a Classic Rock Covers Band it would be easier. But, no, we had to have someone who could play unusual rhythms, unconventional arrangements, and fit in with our idiosyncratic ways. But, we did it—eventually!

Mark joins Crimson Creatures for a rehearsal in their Poole HQ

Mark has many years of drumming and gigging experience, and is a steady pair of hands (and feet). And, after a month playing with the Crimsons, the guys seem to be on a steady trajectory towards their first gigs in the summer.

In fact, they realised that no one had ever seen them in action since their formation in 2021. So, the video cameras were broken out and a few songs were recorded in rehearsal—warts and all.

We’ll keep you updated on gigs as we get a bit closer. Watch this space, or follow our Facebook/Instagram accounts.