Crimson Creatures was formed in 2021 in Dorset, UK, when Richard and Matthew embarked on the creation of several Prog demos. Keith joined them in the autumn, and mercilessly beat the songs into shape.
They released an EP in May 2022, an album in July, and an extended single in November. As of 2023, they are working on their difficult second album, they’ve been joined by Mark, and they are performing live around Southwest England.
But, who are the Crimson Creatures?
Richard Stockdill

Richard is the band’s main songwriter and motivational speaker. When he’s not ruling Crimson Creatures with an iron fist, he’s feeding (and naming) the neighbourhood wildlife.
He plays keyboards of all shapes and sizes—sometimes all at the same time. Some of his keyboards prefer to be called synthesizers and some called modules, but all of them are far too complicated for anyone else to play.
See also: Odd as Per Even
Matthew Cornes

Matthew is the band’s singer, bassist, and human dynamo. Richard and Keith would feel tired watching Matthew in action, if he wasn’t so damned entertaining.
Matt is fuelled by chicken, cola and bread-based foodstuffs. He’s the guy most likely to press the big red button. When he’s not playing an instrument, or shaking windows with his voice, he’s creating bizarre digital art.
See also: Matthew Cornes
Keith Nuttall

Keith is the band’s guitarist, backing vocalist, producer and voice of reason. He’s also the band’s token Northerner. Be thankful to Keith that the songs aren’t all 20 minutes long.
When he’s not taking things apart and adding a flux capacitor, trawling the shops for old vinyl records, or searching for a bloody chip shop which sells gravy, Keith is usually found reading instruction manuals.
See also: Yammer Music
Mark Keniston

Mark is the band’s drummer and source of quiet confidence. With over 40 years’ gigging experience, he’s the wise man of Crimson Creatures, which, to be honest, isn’t that difficult.
When not slaying dragons or influencing local politics, Mark enjoys visiting coffee shops in search of a Dragon Mocha, getting people hooked on cake, or he can be found tinkering with his Shadow of Jaguars.
See also: Brass Monkeys